Thursday, October 22, 2020

What is Achilles Tendon Surgery?

The Akilis tendon injures the lower back behind your feet. Normally this can happen to anyone but mostly this problem occurs to those who play the recreational game. It is a strong fibrous cord that connects the muscles to your back calf and heel bone. If we stretch our Akili's tendon more, then it can rupture. If your Akilis tendon bursts, you may hear a pop that will cause severe pain in your lower back ankle. Due to which you will have more difficulty in walking.

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Symptoms of Achilles tendon


Sometimes it happens that you may not see any of these symptoms, but it is found positive on examination.


- Feeling like kicking in Calf.


- Pain in your ankles as well as swelling.


- Feeling difficulty in bending the lower part of your feet.


- Feeling like moving.


- Trouble standing on the fingers of feet.


- Snapping sounds like a whip.


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Akili's tendon surgery


The surgery process usually involves making an incision on the back of your lower leg and sewing the torn tendon together. Depending on the condition of the torn tissue, the repair can be reinforced with other tendons. More problems may include infection and nerve damage. The least invasive procedures tend to lower infection rates than open procedures.



Treatment of skills tendon


Treatment for a torn skills tendon often depends on your age, activity, and the severity of your injury. In general, younger and more injured people, especially athletes, choose surgery to repair a completely torn skills tendon, while older people are more likely to opt for redundant treatment.



Non-Surgical Treatment


- Allow the tenders to rest using the crutches.


Ice massaging in the hotel area.


Taking over-the-counter painkillers.


- Keep the ankle from shaking for the first few weeks, avoid wearing mostly heel wedges, boots, and walking.


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Due to having a Akili's tendon


Your Akili's tendon helps keep your foot down, raises the lower leg (toes) ahead of your leg and pushes your leg while walking. We are completely dependent on this to walk. It is very important to walk in the right way. Usually, it breaks within 2 1/2 inches (about 6 cm) of the tendon. Where it attaches to the heel bone. The risk of rupture of this area is high because the blood flow is impaired, which can also impair its ability to heal.


Often your Akilis ruptures due to a sudden increase in tension on the tendon. It has some such reasons.


- Participate more and more in sports, especially sports that involve jumping.


- Jumping from high.


- Leap into the hole.


The risk


Risk of Akili's tendon


These important things that increase the risk of rupture of akilis tendon.


Age- Maximum age for akilis tendon rupture is 30 to 40.


Gender- akilis tendon rupture is five times more likely in men than women.


Recreational sports - Akilis tendon injuries occur most frequently during sports, including running, jumping, and sudden running and stopping - such as football, basketball, and tennis.


Steroid injections- Doctors sometimes inject steroids into ankle joints to reduce pain and swelling. However, this drug may weaken the surrounding tendons and akilis is associated with tendon rupture.


Antibiotics - Fluoroquinolone antibiotics, such as ciprofloxacin (Cipro) or levofloxacin, increase the risk of akilis tendon rupture.


Obesity - The increasing weight of your body also invites many diseases for you, including the Achilles tendon. Being overweight also puts more pressure on the tendons.


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Akilis tendon prevention


So if you also want to avoid the growing problem of Akilis tendon, then follow the tips given below, make it part of your daily routine. This will reduce the expectation of akilis tendon.


Stretch calf muscles- Stretch your calf until you realize that you will not be able to stretch more than this, but keep in mind that it should not hurt you. Let me tell you that you do not have to jump while stretching. With this calf strengthening exercise, you will help your muscles and tenders to withstand more force and can help in preventing injury.


Beware of exercise - Keep away from sports that affect your lower body more, such as running, while low-impact sports can also be a problem, such as walking, biking, or swimming. Avoid activities that put great stress on your Akilis tendons, such as hill running and jumping activities.


Choose the running surface carefully - avoid or limit running on hard or slippery surfaces. Dress properly in the cold season for the Rang, and wear a well-fitting athletic shoe with a cushion soft to the heel.



Slowly increase running speed - Akilis tendon injuries usually occur after a sudden increase in running speed. Increase your running speed, durations, and round by only 10 percent weekly. Let us know that in addition to you A non-surgical treatment of tendons can also be done, but there is little hope of complete recovery but you get relief. This is called non-surgical treatment.

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C-96, Sector 65, Noida, U.P, India

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What causes a Heart Attack

What is a Heart attack?


A heart attack is a medical condition in which blood flow to the heart stops. In most cases, a person may also die due to a heart attack. This condition arises from the accumulation of fat, cholesterol, and other liquids in the blood vessels. All these things cause obstruction of blood flow in the heart, which can lead to a heart attack.


This problem usually occurs in the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart, ie, coronary arteries. Due to such obstruction in the blood, the heart is completely or partially damaged. This is a fatal problem.


However, medical science has achieved new achievements in its treatment. For this reason, people's lives can be saved even today when a heart attack occurs.



How common is a heart attack?

Ischemic heart disease and stroke are the cause of 80 percent of deaths due to heart disease in India. Premature death rates due to heart disease have seen a 59 percent increase. Where the figures were 2 crore 30 lakhs in 1990, in 2010 this figure has increased to 3 crores 70 lakhs.


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Symptoms of heart attack

A heart attack is a very serious condition due to which any person can die at the same time. In such a situation, by identifying the symptoms of this condition, the person can save his life by calling the emergency room or help.


The following symptoms occur before a heart attack

Feeling pressure, stretch, pain, or sensation in the chest or arm that reaches the neck and back via the chest and arm.

Sudden dizziness, indigestion, heartburn, or lower abdominal pain.

Shortness of breath.

to sweat.

Tiredness and sudden nervousness.



It has been observed that every person experiences different symptoms during a heart attack. If a person feels extreme pain, then one feels less pain.


Many people do not see any symptoms and have a direct heart attack. However, the more symptoms that appear in a person, the greater the risk of a heart attack.


Many people suddenly fall prey to a heart attack. However, it is a matter of relief that many hours, days, and weeks before symptoms of heart attack, symptoms start appearing.


The first warning of a heart attack is repeated chest pain. This pain is aggravated by taking more stress and it also reduces with rest.


A heart attack is a completely different situation than cardiac arrest. Heart attack in cardiac arrest is stopped due to electrical disturbance so that the flow of blood is not known to reach the rest of the body. Sometimes cardiac arrest can also occur due to a heart attack.


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When to see a doctor



Seek medical help as soon as possible in case of a heart attack. Many people do not understand the symptoms of heart attack and delay it. In such a situation take these steps -


First, call the emergency helpline and call for help. If you think you may have a heart attack or start having symptoms, do not delay and contact the emergency room immediately.

If you are in a place where medical help cannot be reached, immediately reach a close hospital with a partner.



With no option left, drive to the hospital by yourself. Because it can worsen your situation and you may be in danger.

If your doctor has advised you to take nitroglycerin, then take nitroglycerin until medical help arrives.


You can also take aspirin during medical advice. During a heart attack, aspirin can prevent the formation of blood clots in the heart, greatly reducing the risk of heart damage.


But aspirin can react with other medications, so do not take it without medical advice or an emergency assistant's advice. Do not delay in calling an ambulance in the vicinity of any medicine. First, call for help and then take medicine.


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This causes a heart attack


When one or more of your blood vessels get blocked, this causes heart attack. In most cases these blood vessels obstruct the flow of cholesterol and other substances. For this reason, this condition is also called coronary artery disease.


Many blockers can also burst during a heart attack, causing cholesterol and other substances to enter the bloodstream. Because of this, blood clots start forming at the place of obstruction and if the blood clot becomes too large then the blood flow stops completely.


In addition to coronary artery disease, which causes blockage of the arteries, heart attack occurs due to another reason. This is due to the narrowing of the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart.


The nerves of the addicts of tobacco, drugs, etc. start to shrink rapidly, which can lead to heart attack and even death. Apart from this, damage to the nerves that supply blood to the heart can also cause a heart attack.




Due to this, the risk of heart attack increases




There are many reasons behind the heart attack, but these three reasons are the most prominent -


Age: Men over 45 years of age and women over 55 years of age are more likely to have heart attacks than youngsters.


Tobacco: Heart Attention from Smoking or Prolonged Passive Smoking


How is heart attack tested?



If you have a heart attack, your doctor can confirm it by asking or seeing your symptoms. Blood pressure, pulse rate and body temperature can tell you whether you have had a heart attack or not.


The following tests detect heart attack: -




To detect a heart attack in critical condition, doctors use ECG ie Electrocardiogram technique. In this, waves are seen connecting the electrodes to your skin. This is done because the damaged heart does not record normal waves in the ECG.


Blood test


If your heart is damaged by a heart attack, then some enzymes like cretin phosphokinase, leaking from it, get into the blood. Doctors can confirm the presence of these enzymes by taking a sample of your blood.




Doctors also detect it during or after a heart attack with these tests.



Chest X-ray: Through the X-ray, doctors can find out the size of your heart, the position of blood vessels, and other liquids and lungs.

Echocardiogram: In this modern test, sound waves are released by placing a device on the chest. Who collide with the heart and reach back into the sensor. Based on these returned waves, the device produces video images of the heart.



Angiogram: In this test, a liquid dye is injected into the veins. Which reaches the arteries that bleed our hearts. With the help of this dye, the veins begin to appear in the X-ray and the place where the veins are blocked.


CT scan and MRI: Like the brain, the heart can also be scanned. After a heart attack, this scan tells him about the damage done.

This is how a heart attack is treated



The most effective way to save a heart attack is to re-normalize blood flow as quickly as possible. If you have had a heart attack, your doctor will try to find out the cause with the help of several types of tests.


The process of treatment depends on the cause. If you have a heart attack, the doctor will recommend the procedure for surgery or treatment without surgery. Both depend on your situation.


With the help of treatment, the pain can be reduced and the heart attack is not allowed again. The following options are available for the treatment of a patient in case of a heart attack -


Angioplasty - In this process, with the help of a balloon, the blocked arteries are opened or frozen plaque is removed.


Stent - A stent is a mesh made of wire that is inserted into the arteries of the heart to keep them open after angioplasty.


Heart bypass surgery - Inside bypass surgery, doctors resume blood flow to the blocked area.


Pacemaker - This is a type of device that is implanted inside the skin. It is designed to keep the heart rate normal.


Heart transplant - This treatment option is chosen in very severe cases where the heart is severely damaged due to an attack and most of the heart tissue is completely destroyed.


Your doctor may also advise you to take some medicines. for example -


  • Aspirin
  • Blood clotting drugs
  • Blood thinners (blood thinners) such as antiplatelets and anticoagulants
  • Pain relief
  • Nitroglycerin
  • Blood pressure medicine


This is how you can avoid a heart attack



  • Do not smoke
  • Keep blood pressure under control
  • Keep cholesterol under control
  • Exercise daily
  • Keep weight balanced
  • Avoid diabetes
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Do not drink too much alcohol

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Contact Us: +91 9654030724

Whatsapp Contact: +91 9654030724

Telegram Contact: +91 9654030724

Fb Messenger Contact: +91 9654030724

C-96, Sector 65, Noida, U.P, India

Friday, October 9, 2020

ما هو الثدي الليفي الكيسي؟

 الثدي الليفي الكيسي هو مرض مرتبط بالثدي ، حيث تتشكل الكتل في الثدي ، على الرغم من أن هذه الكتل لا تسبب السرطان. في مرض الثدي الكيسي الليفي ، هناك ألم مع وجود كتل في الثدي. على الرغم من أنه لا يشكل أي تهديد ، إلا أن بعض النساء قد يواجهن مشاكل معه. اقرأ هذه المقالة لتعرف بالتفصيل عن الثدي الليفي الكيسي.

علاج سرطان الثدي في الهند

ما هو الثدي الليفي الكيسي؟

الثدي الليفي الكيسي ، الذي يُطلق عليه أيضًا التغيير الكيسي الليفي ، هو حالة مرتبطة بالثدي حيث تتكون كتلة في الثدي. على الرغم من أن هذه الحالة ليست خطيرة ، إلا أنها قد تسبب إزعاجًا للمرأة. لا داعي للذعر من الثدي الليفي الكيسي ، حيث يعتبره الأطباء أيضًا ليس مرضًا ، بل تغيير في الثدي وهو شائع جدًا عند النساء. يجب أن يكون أكثر من نصف النساء قد عانين من هذا في وقت ما. على الرغم من أنه عادة لا يسبب أي إزعاج ، إلا أن بعض النساء يعانين من الألم والتورم والكتل في الثدي. تتفاقم المشاكل قبل فترات. حجم الكتلة الموجودة في الثدي الليفي الكيسي يتغير دائمًا وينتقل من مكان إلى آخر ، لكنه ليس ضارًا.

مستشفيات علاج سرطان البروستاتا في الهند

ما هي أسباب الإصابة بالثدي الليفي الكيسي؟

لم يُعرف السبب الدقيق للثدي الليفي الكيسي ، لكن الخبراء يعتقدون أن هرمون الاستروجين قد يكون مسؤولاً عن هذه الحالة. التغيرات في مستويات الهرمونات خلال فترات يمكن أن تسبب عدم الراحة في الثدي والألم ، وتورم في أنسجة الثدي المتكتلة. يكون الثدي الكيسي الليفي أكثر إيلامًا قبل الدورة الشهرية ويبدأ الشعور بالألم والكتل بشكل أقل عند بدء الدورة الشهرية.

تشمل التغييرات في الثدي بسبب الثدي الليفي الكيسي ما يلي:

نمو مرتفع جدًا في الخلايا التي تبطن قناة الحليب

تضخم الأنسجة الليفية

تحول إلى كيس

جراحة القلب في الهند

ما هي أعراض سرطان الثدي الليفي؟

تشمل أعراض الثدي الليفي الكيسي ما يلي:

  • تورم الثدي
  • ألم
  • تشعر بالعطاء
  • الأنسجة الدهنية
  • كتلة في أحد الثديين أو كليهما

قد يكون التورم والكتل في أحد ثدييك أكبر من الثدي الآخر. تزداد الأعراض سوءًا قبل الدورة الشهرية ، بسبب التغيرات الهرمونية. يختلف حجم الكتلة المتكونة في الثدي على مدار الشهر وتدور بسهولة. في بعض الأحيان ، عندما يصبح النسيج الليفي مرتفعًا جدًا ، يمكن أن يتجمد الكتلة في نفس المكان.

قد تشعر بعض النساء بألم تحت ذراعهن. قد يكون لدى البعض إفرازات خضراء أو بنية اللون من حلماتهم. إذا خرج السائل الأحمر أو الملون بالدم من الحلمة ، توجهي إلى الطبيب على الفور ، فقد يكون ذلك علامة على الإصابة بسرطان الثدي. يعتبر تغير الثدي الكيسي الليفي شائعًا لدى النساء بين 20 و 50 عامًا.

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متى تذهب الى الطبيب؟

في معظم الحالات يكون الكيس الليفي الثدي طبيعيًا ، لكن في الحالات التالية عليك الذهاب إلى الطبيب:

تتكون كتل جديدة في الثدي أو يصبح جزء منها أكثر سمكًا

ألم مستمر أو ألم متزايد في جزء معين من الثدي

تستمر تغييرات الثدي بعد فترات

يقوم الطبيب بتقييم كتلة الثدي ، لكنها تغيرت الآن أو أصبحت كبيرة جدًا.


كيف يتم تشخيص الثدي الليفي الكيسي؟

يمكن تشخيص الثدي الكيسي الليفي عن طريق فحص الثدي السريري. أثناء الاختبار ، يقوم الطبيب بفحص الكتلة والجزء غير الطبيعي في كلا الثديين. تختلف الكتل الموجودة في الثدي الكيسي الليفي عن الكتل المسؤولة عن سرطان الثدي.

عادة ، لا ترتبط الكتل الموجودة في الثدي الليفي الكيسي بالأنسجة المحيطة. عندما يحاول الطبيب لمس العقدة ، ينتقلون من مكان إلى آخر. في كثير من الأحيان تكون الكتل ملحوظة بشكل أكبر. في مثل هذه الحالة ، إذا اشتبه الطبيب في أي شيء آخر ، فيمكنه أن يوصي بتصوير الثدي بالأشعة السينية أو تصوير الثدي بالموجات فوق الصوتية.

توفر هذه الاختبارات مزيدًا من المعلومات حول أنسجة أو كيس الثدي ، مثل اكتشاف أن السائل في الكيس ممتلئ بمادة صلبة. إذا تم العثور على كليهما في كيس ، فسيتم اكتشافه من خلال خزعة الثدي ما إذا كان هذا السرطان موجودًا أم لا.

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هل يزيد كيس الثدي الليفي من خطر الإصابة بالسرطان؟

الثدي الليفي الكيسي ليس خطيرًا ولا يزيد من خطر إصابتك بالسرطان ، ولكن من خلال إجراء الفحص الذاتي ، فإنك لا تدرك بشكل صحيح التغييرات في الثدي والكتل الجديدة. لذلك ، إذا شعرت بأي تغيير ، فاستشر الطبيب حتى يتمكن من إعطائك المعلومات الصحيحة.


كيف يتم علاج كيس الثدي الليفي؟

عادة لا حاجة للعلاج. إذا تسبب الكيس في الشعور بالألم ، فسيقوم الطبيب باختراق الكيس وإزالة السائل ، ولكنه قد يأتي مرة أخرى. في كثير من الأحيان تنتهي الأكياس من تلقاء نفسها.

تشعر بعض النساء بالارتياح عندما يتوقفن عن تناول الكافيين ، مثل الشاي ، والقهوة ، والشوكولاتة ، والصودا ، وما إلى ذلك. على الرغم من عدم وجود دراسة أثبتت أنه يجب تجنب الكافيين ، فإن تقليل كمية الكافيين في الثدي الليفي يعطي الراحة.

سيوصي الطبيب أيضًا ببعض التغييرات في نمط الحياة لتقليل أعراض الثدي الليفي الكيسي:

قللي من كمية الملح في الطعام ، في نهاية الدورة الشهرية ، سيقل التورم في الثدي.

نصيحة دورية. إنه دواء يساعد على طرد السوائل من الجسم.

قبل تناول أي نوع من الفيتامينات أو المكملات العشبية يجب استشارة الطبيب لأنها قد تسبب آثارًا جانبية.

يعالج بعض الأطباء في الحالات الشديدة بالهرمونات الموصوفة مثل حبوب منع الحمل والتاموكسيفين. تُستخدم هذه الأدوية عادةً في علاج سرطان الثدي ويمكن أن يكون لها آثار جانبية خطيرة.

يمكن أن يكون الثدي الكيسي الليفي مؤلمًا. يمكن اتخاذ التدابير التالية لتقليل الألم:

لا تمارس أي رياضة أو نشاط قد يؤثر على الثدي.

اخبز ساخنا أو ثلج على الجزء المؤلم.

يمكن تناول الأدوية المضادة للالتهابات التي لا تستلزم وصفة طبية مثل الإيبوبروفين.

ارتدي حمالة صدر رياضية جيدة الجودة مع مقاس مثالي.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

What is Female Infertility, causes, symptoms and Treatment

The Greatest Happiness of the world is the presence of children in the house. Everyone wants the baby carcasses to resonate in everyone's house, but sometimes the couple is deprived of this.

Infertility means the problem of not having children. This problem is found in both men and women, which is known as Male Infertility and Female Infertility.

Female infertility is generally understood to be the reason for not having children, but this is not necessarily the case.

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What is Female Infertility?

The problem of female infertility arises when a woman is unable to conceive.

Female infertility is known as the inability to conceive, a problem that occurs when a woman is unable to conceive after unprotected intercourse for 12 months or 6 months (beyond the age of 35).

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Symptoms of female infertility

Some of the main symptoms of female infertility are:

  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Nonmenstrual periods
  • Facial hair
  • Decreased desire to perform sexual activity
  • gaining weight
  • Pain during sexual activity

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Causes to Female Infertility

The problem of female infertility can be caused due to many reasons, some of which are:

Uterine problems: If a woman has some problems in her uterus such as polyps, neoplasia, scars, adhesions, placental pregnancy, etc., it can obstruct pregnancy. These problems can cause problems in implantation or increase the risk of miscarriage. In some cases, the cervix produces mucus, which can cause the sperm to travel through the cervix into the uterus.

Ovulation disorder: Ovulation disorder can cause problems with ovulation or problems with reproductive hormones. This may cause abnormal ovulation or lack of ovulation in the woman.

P. C. O. S (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome): PCOS refers to the condition in which the ovaries form numerous follicles, each containing immature eggs. In this situation, the eggs do not mature through fertilization.

STD (Sexual Transmitted Disease): Many times diseases are transmitted by sexual activity, these diseases are called sexually transmitted diseases. Gonorrhea (gonorrhea) is a similar disease, which can cause swelling and scarring in the fallopian tubes. These marks block the way for the sperm to reach the egg, resulting in the eggs not being well fertilized.

Eating irregularly: We all know that eating irregularly causes weight gain, which can lead to ovulation disorder.

Consumption of alcohol or drugs: Consumption of alcohol or drugs in large amounts can reduce fertility. Along with this, they affect the condition of embryo formation.

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Treatment of female infertility

The treatment of female infertility mainly depends on the cause of infertility. In some cases, treatment is possible only through fertility medicines, while in some, surgery and other techniques are required.

Fertility medicines: These medicines are mainly effective for women who have infertility problems due to ovulation disorder. These drugs are used to regulate or stimulate ovulation. Some medicines are used to produce better ovules or more ovules. Fertility drugs usually act as natural hormones such as FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone).

Surgery: When a woman does not get rid of the problem of infertility by other methods such as medicines, doctors recommend her to have surgery. Laparoscopy or hysteroscopy surgery is effective in this situation.


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C-96, Sector 65, Noida, U.P, India

Monday, October 5, 2020

7 Easiest Way To Manage Diabetes In The Elderly

Venez prendre soin de nos aînés diabétiques! Nous savons que le diabète est une maladie grave et qu’il nécessite des soins à vie. Comme de nombreuses personnes âgées sont maintenant touchées, la gestion du diabète chez les personnes âgées devient une nécessité.

Read Full Blog: 7 Moyen Le Plus Simple De Gérer Le Diabète Chez Les Personnes Âgées