Monday, July 27, 2020

د هرپس انتان ناروغي ده ، دا احتیاطي لارښوونې تعقیب کړئ

د هرز انفیکشن یوه ناروغي ده چې د ویروس له امله رامینځته کیږي هرپیس سلیمکس نومیږي. د هرپز سادهیکس ویروس HSV-1 او د هرپز ساده لیکس ویروس HSV-2 دوه ډوله ویروسونه دي. ویروس د انسان په بدن کې انتان خپروي. د HSV-1 انتان په ډیری خلکو کې موندل کیږي. په HSV-2 ډول انفیکشنونو کې ، د اوبو ګرمکي یا زخمونه د تناسلي حوزې یا مقعد ته نږدې موندل کیږي. HSV-1 ویروس د خولو سره په خوله کې شتون لري او د انتاناتو لامل کیدی شي. که چیرې یو اخته کس د غاښونو برش یا غلط توکي وخوري ، ویروس د لعاب له لارې بل کس ته رسي.

په ورته وخت کې ، کله چې په HSV-2 اخته سړی جنسي اړیکه لري ، نو بیا د بل چا ته د ناروغۍ د خپریدو خطر هم ډیر وي. HSV-2 هم د STI په ډله کې شامل دی. ویروس د مستقیم تماس له لارې د اخته شوي شخص زخم سره خپریږي. که امیندواره میرمنې د اوږدې مودې لپاره پدې ناروغۍ اخته وي HSV-2 لري ، دوی باید د خپل ډاکټر سره مشوره وکړي. دا اړینه ده ځکه چې دا انتان کولی شي د زیږون پرمهال ماشوم ته ولیږدول شي. په یاد ولرئ چې د HSV-1 او HSV-2 ویروس کولی شي په بدن کې هرچیرې خپور کړي که چیرې خلاص زخم شتون ولري.

په هند کې د مغزو تومور درملنه

د HSV-1 ویروس (هرپس) نښې څه دي؟

HSV-1 د خولې بهر یا په شونډو ، د خولې دننه یا بهر د تسمې په توګه څرګندیږي. په بدن اخته شوي برخو کې د سترګو نږدې پوټکي شامل دي (د پیرویربیټال ساحه) او دا کولی شي کارنیا او کونجیکٹیوا هم اغیزه وکړي. دا د کریټایټس او کنجاکتوییټس په نوم پیژندل کیږي. د دې ناروغۍ نښې شاوخوا 3-5 ورځو لپاره څرګندیږي. نوي ټپونه معمولا د لومړي ټپ وروسته څرګند شي. لاندې د ناروغۍ ځینې نښې دي. دا علایم په لاندې ډول دي:

درد یو له هغه علایمو څخه دی کله چې خواړه خورئ.
د خارښ نښې هم د هغې نښې دي.
د ستوني خوږ کول د درملو یوه نښه کیدلی شي.
د څښاک اوبو کې ستونزې هم د بوټو یوه له نښو څخه کیدی شي.

په ممبی کې د کتار د جراحۍ لپاره غوره ډاکټر

د HSV-2 نښې کومې دي؟

HSV - 2 معمولا د 3-5 ورځو په اوږدو کې ورک کیږي. په دې انتان کې ، ریشې له اوبو ډکې دي ، مګر دا لږ جدي دي. د تناسلي درملو لاندې نښې لیدل کیږي ، لکه:

  • داخلي یا خارجي زخم
  • په یو ځای کې تسمې
  • تناسلي خارش
  • په پښه ، کوټک یا جنناتي ساحه کې درد
  • د ادرار کولو پرمهال درد
  • د نامناسبې اندامې خارج

په هند کې د اسفاجیل سرطان لپاره غوره ډاکټر

د بوټو ناروغۍ څخه کوم ډول خطر شتون کولی شي؟

هرپیس یو مشهور ویروس ناروغي ده. د ناروغۍ خطر د ځینې دلایلو له امله ډیریږي. غیر محافظتي جنسي اړیکې د HSV-2 خطر ډیروي. ډیری وختونه دا د جنسي اړیکو له لارې له یو شخص څخه بل ته خپریږي. د رګونو انتانات د ویروس لامل هم کیږي. د HSV-1 انتان د جنسي لامل هم کیدی شي. ځینې ​​نور لاملونه لکه د HSV-1 ویروس باندې اخته یو کس د غاښونو برش یا تولیه په کارولو هم اخته کیدلی شي. د بل چا د لپسټک ، شونډې ګلو یا لپ بام کارول هم د دې ستونزې لامل کیدی شي. دا ډول محصولات لندبل لري ، نو ویروسونه په اسانۍ سره دوی سره ضمیمه کیږي.

د بوټو په اړه مهم وړاندیزونه

د دې ناروغۍ سره مبارزه او د دې درد کمولو لپاره لاندې وړاندیزونه پلي کیدی شي ،

که تاسو د خپلې خولې او تناسلي شاوخوا اوبه لرونکي ګرمۍ ولرئ ، سمدلاسه ډاکټر سره تماس ونیسئ.
د زخمونو لمس کولو څخه مخنیوی وکړئ.
خپلې میرمن سره خبرې وکړئ او تل کنډومونه وکاروئ.
تاسو کولی شئ په غلو کې یخ وکاروئ.
جوشونه وچ او پاک وساتئ.
که تاسو د هیپ ناروغي ومومئ ، نو پورته ذکر شوي شیان په پام کې ونیسئ. دا به د دې د ژر رغیدو چانس ډیر کړي.
د بوټو د مخنیوي لارې کومې دي؟

د دې ناروغۍ ویروس زموږ شاوخوا چاپیریال کې شتون لري. دا انتانات کولی شي د ساړه په څیر ورته حالت کې واقع شي. د دې انتان څخه مخنیوي لپاره د معافیت سیسټم پیاوړي کیدو ته اړتیا لري. تاسو کولی شئ د ځینې اقداماتو په کولو سره د معافیت سیسټم پیاوړی کړئ.

a متوازن غذا وخورئ. د دې کولو سره به د دې ستونزې په سمولو کې مرسته وکړي.
regularly په منظم ډول تمرین وکړئ. د دې کولو سره به د دې ستونزې په سمولو کې مرسته وکړي.
time پر وخت خوب وکړئ او ښه خوب وکړئ. د دې کولو سره به د دې ستونزې په سمولو کې مرسته وکړي.

the ذهن آرام وساتئ. د دې کولو سره به د دې ستونزې په سمولو کې مرسته وکړي.
اوس مهال د واکسینونو په اړه ډیری تجربې روانې دي چې کولی شي د HSV ویروس مخه ونیسي. په هرصورت ، تر دې دمه هیڅ یوه تجربه نه ده تصویب شوې.

د هیپیس پورې اړوند دا مهم معلومات زموږ د طبي ماهرینو لخوا ورکړل شوي دي ، نو که تاسو کومه داسې ستونزه لرئ نو بیا تاسو کولی شئ هغه معلومات چې د سلام روغتیا په دې مقاله کې ورکړل شوي واخلئ. په هرصورت ، د سلام روغتیا به بیا هم تاسو ته ووایی چې دا مهم دي چې د خپل ډاکټر سره مشوره وکړئ که تاسو ستونزه لرئ. ځکه چې د هرچا طبي حالت مختلف کیدی شي ، د درملنې ډاکټران د ناروغ په لیدو سره پیل کوي

د مخ څخه نو که تاسو کومه ستونزه لرئ ، سمدلاسه خپل ډاکټر ته لاړشئ. ډاکټر به ستاسو وضعیت وګوري او سمه درملنه به پیل کړي.

هيله ده تاسو زموږ مقاله خوښ کړئ. پدې مقاله کې ، موږ هڅه کړې چې تاسو ته د بوټو نښې ، د بوټو علت او همدارنګه د بوټو درملنه درته ووایم. که تاسو پدې اړوند کومه بله پوښتنه لرئ ، نو حتما زموږ له ټولنیزو رسنیو پا pageې څخه غوښتنه وکړئ. موږ به خپله ټوله هڅه وکړو چې د تجربې له لارې ستاسو ټولو پوښتنو ته ځواب ووایو. همچنان ، که تاسو دا مقاله خوښه کړې ، نو دا د امکان تر حده د ډیرو خلکو سره شریک کړئ ترڅو دا اړین معلومات ټول خلکو ته ورسیدی شي.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

How is a Hair Transplant done?

What is a Hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a type of surgery. In this, the dermatological surgeon performs hair growth with the help of hair transplantation on those who have no hair on their head or have lost hair. The main purpose of hair transplant is to increase the number of hairs on the scalp or make the hair thicker.

When is a hair transplant needed?

Hair transplant is required by those who are bald or have short hair on their head. In such a situation, doctors recommend hair transplants.

What side effects and problems can hair transplant cause?

Hair transplant surgery is considered safe. But, like every surgery, this surgery also has some risk:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Burning hair follicle
  • Freezing like a scab in the scalp
  • Unnatural patches like new hair coming out
  • Scallop

What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a type of surgery. In this, the dermatological surgeon performs hair growth with the help of hair transplantation on those who have no hair on their head or have lost hair. The main purpose of hair transplant is to increase the number of hairs on the scalp or make the hair thicker.

When is a hair transplant needed?

Hair transplant is required by those who are bald or have short hair on their head. In such a situation, doctors recommend a hair transplant.

What do I need to know before getting a hair transplant done?

Hair transplant procedures are not safe for everyone. Hair transplant is said to be done only by those who:

  • That do not have the effect of preventing hair loss
  • Who has a lot of hair
  • Fast hair fall
  • Those who have no problem after surgery

Hair transplant is not a good option for some people:

  • A woman who has lost her hair
  • Who doesn't have enough donor
  • Those who have ever been hurt and who have had calorie scars
  • Those who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy

What side effects and problems can hair transplant cause?

Hair transplant surgery is considered safe. But, like every surgery, this surgery also has some risk:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Burning hair follicle
  • Freezing like a scab in the scalp
  • Unnatural patches like new hair coming out
  • Scallop

Sometimes real hair falls, but then also comes later. This type of hair fall is called shock loss. Many times the surgery is not successful, so a hair transplant may have to be done again. Feeling a bit uncomfortable after anesthesia. The scalp can also cause problems like swelling. Along with this, scars on the scalp skin emerge and itching may also occur. Hair transplanted by the donor may have a crust on the head and future the transplanted hair may fall.

These problems do not necessarily have to be with everyone, but still, you should know about all kinds of risks.

How should I prepare myself for a hair transplant?

The process of hair transplant depends on the type of transplant. Some common guidelines for hair transplant are:

Smoking must be discontinued 24 hours before surgery. Smoking does not allow the surgery to heal a wound that occurs quickly.

Consumption of alcohol should be stopped three days before surgery. It would be good if you stop taking alcohol a week in advance.

Do not get a hair cut before transplanting hair. Hair will help your hair transplant. Because during surgery, stitches will work.

Massage your scalp two weeks before surgery. However, the massage should not be less than 10 minutes and not more than 30 minutes. This will make your scalp skin soft, which will make it easier to perform surgery.

You should take a medicine called MINOXIDIL before surgery. But take it only on the advice of a doctor. At the same time, doctors can give you antibiotics so that there is no risk of infection after surgery.

At the same time, if you are over 45 years of age, then the doctor can also get your ECG. Will also conduct some blood tests. So that you can know whether you can do hair transplant or not.

At the same time, stop taking medicines like anti depression, beta-blocker, and blood thinners before surgery.

Stop taking multivitamin supplements such as Gingko Biloba before surgery two weeks before surgery.

What is the process occurring in a hair transplant?

The process of hair transplant surgery is very popular.

Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS)

Follicular unit extraction

Follicular unit strip surgery

Follicular unit strip surgery removes the skin strip of the scalp. After that, the place is covered with hair. First, your head is numb. After this, the surgeons take out the strip of your scalp and make small grafts. After this, one or a few hairs are put into it. This results in hair transplantation in the bald area. Which is called the recipient site.

The price of this hair transplant is decided based on your grafting. This is beneficial for those who have to do grafting at less space. At the same time, one disadvantage of follicular unit strip surgery is that where the hair transplant is done, there is injury or scab. Some people also have problems like swelling in their heads.

Follicular unit extraction

Your head is numb before performing follicular unit extraction surgery. In this, hair is planted by piercing it everywhere in the head. After which very small dots are detected on the roots of the hair. The rest of the head is covered with hair. Follicular units recover faster than strip surgery (FUSS). Also, the chances of risk and wounding are also very less. Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) is more expensive than the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method.

What happens after a hair transplant?

After a hair transplant, your scalp becomes very sensitive. So you have to tie bandages on the head for a few days. Also, the medicines recommended by the doctor will have to be eaten. So that the risk of infection will reduce.

Recovery is much faster in FUE than in FUSS. At the same time, if the stitches are installed then they are removed after 10 days.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, transplanted hairs usually fall within six weeks. Then new hair grows in its place. Which are half an inch long in a month?

Apart from all these things, if you face any kind of problem, then definitely meet and consult your surgeon and doctor.

How should I take care of myself after a hair transplant?

Do not go to the office or work for a few days. So that the swelling on the head can be cured.

If you want to shampoo, then use the shampoo given by the doctor.
If there are large grafts in your head, tie the bandages all over the head. So that they remain clean and do not get an infection.

Keep a little care while sleeping after surgery. You sleep in half-upright position and rest your head on two pillows. You have to do this for about three days after surgery. Because if rubbed on the hair transplanted in gold, then you may have problems. Apart from this, hair can also grow out.

Do not smoke and drink alcohol for 48 hours after surgery.

Surgeons give you a spray or lotion that you must spray on your head.
So that the grafts that have been grafted get fixed quickly.

When inflamed, moisten with ice.

Avoid going in the sun after surgery.

You do not play for a week nor do any kind of exercise.

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C-96, Sector 65, Noida, U.P, India

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

: What is Dehydration?

What is Dehydration

If dehydration is understood in the general language, then a lack of water in the body is called dehydration. However, it also affects the mineral content and sugar level in the blood. Which has a negative effect on health?

Can Dehydration Ever Happen to Anyone?

Dehydration is normal and it can happen to anyone at any age. If the body does not get the right amount of water, then in this situation the problem of dehydration can increase. There should be no lack of water in the body, so a doctor should be contacted. Also, try with yourself that there is no shortage of water in the body.

What are the symptoms of dehydration?

The damage caused by dehydration can be easily understood, some common symptoms are dehydration:

  • To thirst again and again.
  • Dizziness or mild headache.
  • Increased heartbeat.
  • Reduced urine and yellow.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Skin dryness.

When should we see a doctor?

If dehydration is not treated at the right time, the condition can worsen. You should contact a doctor if you see the following symptoms:

Increased body temperature.
Diarrhea lasting more than two days.
Low urine.
Feeling weakness
Having trouble concentrating.
to faint.
Abdominal pain or chest pain.

Apart from these symptoms, there may be other symptoms. Every person's body is different. Therefore symptoms may also be different. It is necessary to see a doctor for better treatment.

Know the Causes

Dehydration is usually caused by not consuming the right amount of fluids. At the same time, this can happen due to changing weather, physical activity, and diet.

Why does the risk of dehydration increase?

The risk of dehydration is higher in the growing child and newborn because they are sensitive. Lack of water in children can cause dehydration.

The elderly are also at greater risk of dehydration.
Chronic illness such as kidney disease, diabetes or alcohol consumption can also cause body to dehydrate.
Athletes or sportsmen are also at greater risk of dehydration.
Those people who work in fields or constructions (labor) are also at a higher risk of dehydration.

Understand diagnosis and treatment

The information given is not a substitute for any medical advice. It would be better to contact your doctor for more information.

How is dehydration diagnosed?

The doctor can start treatment with the help of a blood test and urine tests.

Some changes in the body such as reduced blood pressure, faster heartbeat than normal beats or fever may be due to dehydration.

With the help of blood tests, it is easily ascertained whether the kidney is functioning properly and whether the amount of sodium, potassium and other electrolytes in the body are correct.
Information of dehydration can also be obtained with the the help of urine test.

How is dehydration treated?

To avoid dehydration, more fluids such as water, juice should be consumed, and caffeine should be minimized.

Do not give water only to small children with dehydration. This can increase the problem further. Therefore, after dehydration, drink water containing electrolytes instead of plain water.

How to avoid the hassle of dehydration with lifestyle changes and some home remedies?

The following lifestyle and home remedies can save you from the problem of dehydration:

Get into the habit of drinking water at short intervals.
Drink water containing electrolyte.
Oral rehydration and juice, soup, etc. should be taken.
In the summer and humid weather, not only in winter also increase the intake of water. Because in winter, due to the dry environment, there is also a lack of body moisture.

The elderly are more prone to water scarcity. If they have bladder infection, bronchitis then this problem becomes even more serious. Therefore they should also take a sufficient amount of water.

Sleep dehydration also occurs due to caffeine and alcohol. So try to keep a distance from them or consume less.

Women should take about two to three liters of food and men about four to five liters of water.

If you wake up several times at bedtime and urinate, then you may have a problem with Nocturia. Due to this, there is a frequent disturbance in sleep. Therefore, do not fulfill the quota of drinking water throughout the day before going to bed at night, but hydrate yourself at different times of the day.

Sleep in bed only after urinating.

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Contact Us: +91 9654030724
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C-96, Sector 65, Noida, U.P, India